Thursday, July 30, 2009

(1) Somewhere in the Dust I Found a Shadow, and Remembered...

You know when u keep yourself SO busy on purpose to the point where you don't have time to look back and think or remember anything? Well, that's what I have been doing for the past 4 months of my life until i stopped myself last night and it all caught up to me. It hit me like nothing ever did before. I realized that I needed to start talking and letting myself emerge from this toxic bubble that I have confined myself in for all these years. Supposedly the best years of my life.
I guess I got this epiphany when I found myself looking at my friends' profiles on FB and feeling like I was a 40 year old looking at the younger generations and their lives and envying them as I was reading their statuses and looking at their albums..this feeling grew stronger because I was stuck in this dust struck country doing my internship...what a mistake to do my internship in the summer time...I couldn't even travel for a damn weekend just to get some fresh air...
Flan has created a new album titled "BEIRUT 2009 BABYYYYY!"
Flana has "leaving to Paris in 2 days!!!" for her status
BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH...I'm so sick of it. I am NOT 40 and I do NOT need to envy anyone because I know that I, too, am capable of living a depression-free life. All I need is the right plan to get myself out of this mess. A mess that I somehow put myself in.
It all began in a neighborhood restaurant...

1 comment:

  1. babyyy ;* it's mee.. "Haya".. hehehe
    i read this as soon as i got to work this morning. omg, great job so far 7ayati. i'm here to hold your hand as you tell them your story..
    i love you. you're one of the strongest people i know.. i admire you for your strength and courage..
    love you! i enjoyed last night! mwah!
